Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tacky Tuesday Challenge #1

I am very excited to announce right here that
my BFF Ruthie and I have decided to
start a once a month challenge! "Tacky Tuesday's Challenge"
will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
We will choose a "Tacky" cut from a Cricut cart and the challenge
 will be to make a card that includes the
chosen cut and a play on words.
The challenge will last for two weeks and then we will choose a winner via random.org.  The winner will receive a small gift and a button that they can proudly display on their blog. The main page for the group is on FACEBOOK , we figured that was the easiest way.  All you have to do is log into Facebook and type in "Tacky Tuesday Challenge" and the group will come up, and then join the group it that simple!!

You do not have to have a blog to participate, all you have to do is be a member of the group and post a photo of the card that you made! That's it! If have a blog and want to link back to you blog, that would be great too! Easy enough?

Okay so luttuce get started...
{I still crack myself up LOL}

Here is Ravens~Blog
Okay I just love what Raven has done for our first post
She is a team player let me tell you... She designed this card on the spot...
Please welcome Raven one of our newest designer...

Okay so on to my project for our first
Tacky Tuesday Challenge

Okay this adorable lettuce was cut from the
Freshly Picked Cricut Cart
it's the very last lonely cut on in the back page...Page 77

BUT wait look how happy she is to have this friendly
little bee visiting her.
He was cut from the Create~a~Critter Cart...

They are so Happy Together maybe we they just want us to

Lettuce Bee...
{I crack myself up sometime...}

Used my computer to get sentiment
and then punched it out with
EK Success Punch

The cute little faces where done with
I chalked and inked around to make them pop...
Mr. Bees glasses just look so cute ...

Don't forget to visit us on Facebook and
go see what my Bestie has created for you...

I sure hope you will join us for
Tacky Tuesday Challenge

The Scrapbooking Queen


buglvr2010 said...

This is going to be a fun challenge...I love all three cards! I don't have freshly picked but look forward to playing along in the future.

Anonymous said...

This couldn't be any cuter!! Love it!!!

Raven B said...

Queenie I love this!!!!!! SO SUPER CUTE. You and Ruthie are fabulous thank you both for including me!
Big Hugs,

Glenda said...

Congrats on the new challenge! Sounds like a lot of fun! All cards are super cute!!

Janis Lewis said...

What a fun idea! Going to FB now to join this group! :) Janis

Cards and Crafts by Sheree said...

This sounds like so much fun! Cannot wait to participate! Let the fun begin!

Saundra said...

Sounds so fun! Your card is so cute! I love the little bee with glasses.

Would love to participate but I dn't own that cartridge. Maybe next time...

~Saundra :)

365 Days of Cricut said...

I love your tacky lettuces!! I need to get in on this fun tacky challenge LOL!

Savahanna said...

SO cute!!!

CuddlyBunny said...

Another giggle fest! These aren't tacky! They're CUTE! :)

Amanda said...

Hey Theresa, I am so excited about your new challenge and I can't wait joining on all the fun.. I also want to stop by and let you know that I am really looking forward to working with you on Joy's Life design team..


Anonymous said...

really cute-

Kim said...

this looks like a lot of fun! I need to dig out my cricut and participate on this one!