Hello Everyone are you ready for a Sweet Treat with
The Heartstrings Design Team as we showcase our newest
Release Sweet Essence Kits ... Let me just say I am
in LOVE with this kit !! You can get your KIT {HERE}
Now if you come from Jillian's Blog your on the right path.
Now The Queen has created some wonderful project for you
These month kit comes with some really awesome
ready to use embellishments like this Toxic Sass ~ Flower Ribbon
Just place it across your layout and it make a perfect piece for
your scrapbook page .
Now The Queen also took a Frame and Flame less
Candle and wrapped it with the cute Valentine cut outs
Here is a close up of the Candle
Now make sure you come back tomorrow and see
what all the Heartstrings designer have created with this
wonderful Sweet Essences Kit and here is a Video if you want to see the
Release up close and personal...
Now your next stop on this awesome release hop is
our very talented Midge
Heartstring Designs: http://www.heartstringdesigns.blogspot.com
JINGER Adams http://www.jingeradamsblog.com/
Suzanne: http://www.zannieberry.blogspot.com
Jillian: http://www.paperalamode.com
Theresa: www.thescrapbookingqueen.com
We will do a 2 Month subscription to ONE lucky person
who followers all designers, likes us on
Facebook, follows us on Pinterest, subscribes to Heartstrings
Youtube channel.
for all the rule on blog candy prize ...

The wonderful Sponsor of this Month Kits

love your projects!!! jen t.
Oh Queenie, you know I always love me a cute frame! So fun. The candle was a clever idea. Great Work
Midge :)
Love, love, love all of your projects! All so super fun, creative, and inspiring!!!!!
Your majesty..... The jester of the court would like a word... (Bowing) ((clearing throat)) I have juggled for you, I have danced for you.... If I could have talent like you and create amazing fun projects maybe I would no longer be the Jester? LoL these projects are fun the candle holder is fab!
can't wait to get my kit, thanks for the inspiration!
Love this! Great idea with the candle!!
Oh my! I love the way you covered the candle! Such cute projects ma'am! Awesome!
Your projects are so beautiful!
No wonder you are the Queen...love love your work!
Oh I absolutely love the layout! wonderful projects...thank you for sharing them!
All of your projects are gorgeous!! I love the designs and all of the details!! Thanks for the inspiration :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
WOW!!... beautiful projects... LOVE that layout!!! GORGEOUS! :))
Love Love Love your layout It is beautiful and cute idea for the candle!
Big Blog Hugs, Janet
Great projects Theresa...I love love love the layout!
Cricut Chick
i love your vintage look projects. The images are amazing! Thanks for sharing
Darling projects. Love Madges post, very funny. You really do make some very fantstic projects (for us hoppers) Thank you and enjoy your weekend.
Lovely projects...adorable layout!
So talented. Thank you so much for all the inspiration!
Great vintage look!
Awesome Sauce Layout and Candle Decor. So Sorry I am horribly late visiting :( Glad I did, though...totally worth the trip down the "past"!
Peacock Hugs
Jessica B.
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